The hallmark of Del Pesce's history is innovation, increasingly sustainable farming techniques and careful attention to quality.
Nowadays, the Company produces an average of 4 million fish a year, with the aim of establishing sustainable production by 2030
the sea will grant every man new hopes
Aquaculture is a form of agricultural production, which takes place in fresh or salt water, aimed at breeding fish, molluscs, crustaceans and algae to meet the ever-increasing need for fish products for human nutrition.
To date it can no longer be considered as a simple alternative to fishing activities but is configured as a real production requirement capable of generating economic and environmental benefits in terms of response to the progressive emptying of aquatic fauna.
The breeding takes place in a natural marine environment in which the farmer "sows" the fish whose growth is guaranteed by the supply of natural feed suitable for the different species.


Since 1997 specialists in productionand distribution of sea bass and croaker in Italy